• On Writing in the Morning

    Only about a week back did I decide to try to write every morning. The words flow easier right when I get up. It’s a nice little ritual where I go and make my coffee and sit down at the counter with my laptop and start getting my ideas out....

  • The Quarantine Hyperbolic Time Chamber

    Jiu-jitsu and life in general is going to have an interesting “reset” after this quarantine. There’s going to be people who took advantage of the time they were given, and those who didn’t. I’m treating every day like an opportunity to get an edge on my opponents. About one month...

  • Technique AND Strength

    This morning was the first time during the quarantine where I didn’t get up and work out first thing. I was up late doing work, and had to do finish up some things for work Friday morning. I was able to make it up later at lunch time. Today’s anomaly...

  • The Great Weight Shortage of 2020

    As all “non-essential” businesses closed around the country mid-March 2020, there were many unanticipated knock-on effects. The effects that hit most close to home was: 1. the jiu-jitsu gyms I train at closing, and one closing a location permanently, and 2. the mainstream weight lifting gyms closed as well. This...

  • Quarantined Thoughts About Jiu-Jitsu

    Sitting outside on my deck… being quarantined doesn’t seem so bad. The sun is shining. the sky is blue, it’s warm outside, but it’s a bit breezy. It doesn’t seem like the world has ground to a virtual halt since it’s such a beautiful day outside. I’m holding it together....